Holy Week!
I really have loved all religious holidays here. They are celebrated so differently, I feel, the way they should be or how it was intended to be celebrate. I mean I have experienced 23 some Easter celebrations but never have I felt as I did till this Easter Season. I have never felt so close to Jesus in his experience and his suffering and his love.
We started on Palm Sunday where we started at one church and processed to another joyfully dancing! Everyone had their palms waving in the air singing along to the band as we followed the Jesus statue as four man carried him on their shoulders and danced him in and out of the crowd. I really felt like I was welcoming home Jesus to Jerusalem!
Thursday we had mass and imitated the last supper as the priest washed the 12 disciples (8 kids, 2 vols, and 2 house parents) feet and then we processed with Jesus (consecrated) the jardin de paz or peace garden where the entire finca took turns waiting up with Jesus to pray before he was handed over. I had singed up for the last hour of the night. And as I was praying with a few other vols the oldest boys from house 5 came in and prayed with us for another hour, I later found out it was something they had all wanted to do and asked the house parents if they could! Wow!
Friday we went into Trujillo and did the 12 Stations of the Cross. And by that I mean we DID the 12 stations. It was like a play but everyone was involved, Jesus, the two thieves, the soldiers who beat him as we went with their whips dipped in red koolaid. But it was ever so real when Jesus was nailed to the cross, they did not actually nail him, he held on to the nails with his hands. That night it was very solemn in the Finca and in the Vol house. We also did what is called the 7 Palabras, or the 7 last words-phrases Jesus says where we reflect on those last phrases Jesus says. After words one of the kids, Jose Daniel, was dressed as Jesus as he is taken down form the cross and prepared for burial.
Saturday night mass starts outside in the street as the blessing of the light is done with a bonfire! Then we enter the Easter Vigil Mass without any light. Then once everyone is in candles are lit in the front and light spreads through to the back in seconds and the church is light more so with the spirit of everyone waiting to welcome Jesus and sing Alleluia as Christ is risen.
Sunday was mass in the morning followed by an Easter egg hunt White House style. Unfortunately I missed most of that. There was the mother of one of our children who was severely sick so I took her to the Hospital until her son came. That is a whole another story about families and cultural norms in Honduras!
Overall I really enjoyed Pascua here on the Finca and am excited to be here next year!
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