Sunday, June 5, 2011

Let Me Paint You a Picture:

Today, not your typical day:
I was met with an emergency this afternoon. An older woman and her young daughtre had been attacked but were refusing me to care for them. Their nieghbor, a sixty some year old, approached them on the road in their neighborhood and had wanted to take advantage of this womens 11 year old daughter. When the daughter refused he grabbed for he arm and fractured it. The mother tried to get her daughter away when the man attacked her as well and cut her pretty bad.

They came to the Finca to get a ride into Trujillo to go to the police, she needed to save the evidence of their injuries for the police be fore heading to the hospital. Once we had the papers we need from the police we had to go the Fiscalia, not sure what that translates to in English, to legally file the papers so they could go after the man. All the road though around the Fiscalia were blocked off with more police then I have ever seen in CA all put together! Tami and I dropped them off and drove to park. When we returned the woman and her daughters said they, the Fiscalia, were dealing with dead bodies so they would have to wait! Apparently they had been a fight where all the police were and now two dead bodies were placed in large plastic bags sitting in the back of a green pick up bed right outside the Fiscalia where Tami and I had just walked past and would walk past again to leave!

I did not eat dinner.

It is one thing to know these things exist and occur and happen, it does in the states too, but another to be so close to it and know those affected by it and to in a sense become part of their story. I am thanking God tonight for my safety and the safety of all my family!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are safe!! I hope you are okay now and eating again. Love you!
